Stream Monitor

Air Checker

This program will check on your internet stream and send you an email if it can't connect. You can select between a 5, 10 or 15 minute check interval. To use this program, you must have a gmail email address the program can use to send out alerts in the event of a stream failure. It can send emails to as many as 3 people. Be aware that if you set the interval for 5 minutes and your stream is off for an hour, you will receive 12 emails.

Click on "Setup" to set your stream url, the Stream Failure Message you want and gmail information, and then the program will be ready to go. This program uses an embedded version of Windows Media Player, so your stream will need to be compatible.

To install, you will need to download the zip file to your computer, right-click on it in File Explorer, select "Extract All," and browse to the folder to which you would like to extract the files. Once they are extracted, go to that folder and double-click on the "setup.exe" file. Windows will probably complain that this is an "unrecognized app" and say that it protected you.

Click on "More Info" and then click "Run Anyway."

The install routine will again warn you, so click "Install" and you'll get one additional warning where you'll have to again click "More Info" and then "Run Anyway." The program will finally be installed.

Click here to download the file. (

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