Timer Recorder

Timer Recorder

This is a simple program that will record a wav file between the start time and end time that you designate. The recorded files are 44.1khz 16 bit stereo files. Sorry, but there is no option for saving them as mp3 files. Be sure to first click the "Select Save Folder" button to set the folder where the files will be saved. The program will remember this location until you change it.

To install, you will need to download the zip file to your computer, right-click on it in File Explorer, select "Extract All," and browse to the folder to which you would like to extract the files. Once they are extracted, go to that folder and double-click on the "setup.exe" file. Windows will probably complain that this is an "unrecognized app" and say that it protected you.

Click on "More Info" and then click "Run Anyway."

The install routine will again warn you, so click "Install" and you'll get one additional warning where you'll have to again click "More Info" and then "Run Anyway." The program will finally be installed.

Click here to download the file. (ScheduleRecord.zip)

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